봄철 운전주의.

2011.06.30 10:14

김형태 조회 수:4264

어느덧 기나긴 겨울이 지나가고 봄이 오네요.
자칫 좋은 날씨에 들뜬 마음에 운전하시다가 경찰 아저씨들에게 스피드 티켓이라도 받는 날이면 참 기분이 그렇지요.   전통적으로 이곳 런던 지역에서는 3월 둘째주 부터 본격적인 도로 단속들을 경찰아저씨들이 하는것으로 알고 있읍니다.   온타리오 운전 벌점 시스템에 대해서 알려드립니다.  

Ontario`s Demerit point system

7 Points
Failing to remain at the scene of a collision Failing to stop when signaled/requested by a police officer
6 Points
Careless Driving Racing
Exceeding the speed limit by 50 km/h or more Failing to stop for a school bus
5 Points
Driver of a bus failing to stop at an unprotected railway crossing
4 Points
Exceeding the speed limit by 30 to 49 km/h Following too closely
3 Points
Exceeding the speed limit by 16 to 29 km/h Driving through, around or under a railway crossing barrier
Failing to yield the right-of-way Failing to obey a stop sign, traffic control stop/slow sign, traffic light or railway crossing signal
Failing to obey the directions of a police officer Driving the wrong way on a divided road
Failing to report a collision to a police officer Improper driving when road is divided into lanes
Crowding the driver's seat Going the wrong way on a one-way road
Driving or operating a vehicle on a closed road Crossing a divided road where no proper crossing is provided
Failing to slow and carefully pass a stopped emergency vehicle Failing to move, where possible, into another lane when passing a stopped emergency vehicle
Improper passing Improper use of high occupancy vehicle lane
2 Points
Improper opening of a vehicle door Prohibited turns
Towing people ? on toboggans, bicycles, skis, etc. Failing to obey signs
Failing to stop at a pedestrian crossing Failing to share the road
Improper right turn Improper left turn
Failing to signal Unnecessary slow driving
Reversing on a divided high-speed road Driver failing to wear a seat belt
Driver failing to ensure that a passenger less than 23 kg is properly secured Driver failing to ensure that a passenger under 16 years is wearing a seat belt
Failing to lower headlamp beams Backing on a highway
Driver failing to ensure infant/child passenger is properly secured in an appropriate child restraint system or booster seat

특히 올해에는 운전중 전화통화와  stop sign 에서 일시정차를  집중단속한다고 합니다.  stop sign 에서 일시 정차시는 꼭 하얀선 안쪽에서 일시정차후 출발하셔야 됩니다.
   아무쪼록 런던제일장로교회 성도분들은 안전운전 하세요.